Not sure what kind of editing you need? Here’s a quick guide to the services I provide. Talk to me if you need more information.
Stylistic & copy editing

The nitty-gritty editing. I’ll make your text smooth, clear, clean, and consistent. For example:
- Make the writing flow well, ensuring tone is appropriate for the audience.
- Ensure consistency in spelling, number style, punctuation, capitalization, and a million other details that only people like me love to think about.
- Correct grammar, but without being pedantic. (Yes, Miss Thistlebottom, we CAN start a sentence with a conjunction!)

The final check. Proofreading happens after layout, when the edited text has been designed in its final form.
- Flag mistakes that escaped notice in editing or were introduced in design.
- Ensure page numbering is correct, including table of contents and cross-references.
- Check that photos and tables are correctly placed and properly captioned.
Proposal & résumé editing

For those critical first impressions. If you’re applying for a job or a grant, turn me loose on your proposal, application, CV, or résumé.
- Make sure your (or your project’s) strengths are clear and boldly emphasized to stand out from the crowd.
- Reduce word counts as needed.
- Make the document clear, concise, and correct, with every i dotted and t crossed.
Research & referencing

I can take chores like these off your hands:
- Check facts, dates, quotations, and more.
- Provide background research on almost any topic.
- Check reference details, format the references, or even develop the reference list.
Attention self-publishing authors: Do this first

The first step for your manuscript is the developmental, substantive, or structural edit: looking at the big picture. That’s structure, organization, and (for fiction) plot and character development. I prefer the trees to the forest, but see my Resources page for help finding an appropriate substantive editor. You may also wish to use the Writers’ Union of Canada’s Manuscript Evaluation Service.